A blog about a kid who dreams about pretty girls, championship rings and sports writing.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reason #4892 I'm afraid of long-term relationships

Via fmylife.com:

Today, I went to Tiffany's to exchange a bracelet my boyfriend had given me for our year anniversary. It was the first gift that he actually spent money on me for. The sales lady then told me that the necklace was not a real Tiffany's item. FML

FML, really? Because he didn't get you a necklace that was not worth thousands-upon-thousands of dollars on a necklace. I swear I thought someone once told me you can't buy love.

Oh well, you've got to absolutely love the superficial world that we live in today.

Tomorrow on FML:

Today, I went to the dealership to exchange the Ferrari my boyfriend bought me. I wanted a Porsche. FML

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